“We know from on-the-ground experience that it starts with a computing device and reliable, affordable internet at home. “Distance learning changed education, and now is the time to seize the lessons learned during school shutdowns to effectively integrate technology tools in K-12 education at school and at home,” said Sunne Wright McPeak, president and CEO of the California Emerging Technology Fund. These are key elements for student success in the digital age.” That participation involves close communication with teachers, supporting students with homework and monitoring their progress.

“For students to succeed, families need access to computers, reliable broadband and the ability for parents to participate in the learning process. “There’s an opportunity here to leverage the lessons of the pandemic and extend solutions beyond the pandemic,” said Hernán Galperin, associate professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the survey’s principal investigator. These factors should be taken into account by school districts as they attempt to bridge language barriers and improve access to technology. Higher-income families tend to have an easier time navigating online K-12 education while families that primarily speak Spanish face more difficulties, USC researchers wrote. Overall, family support for children’s online learning also varies across demographic and income lines. Income also has had a notable impact on device availability, though support from schools helped close the gap, USC researchers noted. That percentage was 92% for Hispanic families whose primary language is Spanish. With support from school districts, 97% of children from white families had their own device, with Black and Asian families a single percentage point lower. Gaps in resources persist across California, affecting an estimated 300,000 students. The survey of 575 parents with K-12 age children showed the transition to online learning has been difficult for many, including Hispanic families whose primary language is Spanish. Those are the conclusions of the latest round of results from the 2021 Statewide Survey on Broadband Adoption by USC and the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) Access to devices, broadband connectivity and parental engagement are the strongest predictors of online learning success for K-12 students, with varied results along income and demographic lines.