The flagship monster Magnamalo leads a mix of new and returning monsters inspired by Japanese folklore. Be sure to pet your Palamute too and show them some love for all their hard work. Palamute riding is a great way to safely use items or sharpen your weapon in your time of need. In addition to providing support alongside the tried-and-true Palico Felyne companions, you’ll be able to ride on the back of a Palamute to swiftly make your way across each locale. You’ll meet a brand new buddy type: the Palamute Canyne. Even if you’ve mastered a certain weapon in the past, these new abilities bring new skills to incorporate into your toolkit. Wirebugs allow for varied and unique special attacks for each of the 14 weapons in the game. Leap into the air, scale cliffs, and quickly traverse open environments with ease. Monster Hunter Rise infuses the hunting experience you might be familiar with from Monster Hunter World and Iceborne with new acrobatic maneuvers enabled by the endemic life known as Wirebugs.